Wednesday 4 October 2017


In the extract from cuffs, we hear lots of sounds as the police are arguing. The most prominent sound through out the whole of the scene is the sound police talking over the radios, this shows us how hectic being a police man in Britain can be, they take a 5 minute break to sort something out and already they are being called back to work by other police on the radios.

Another example of sound in the extract is the noise from the motorway behind them, this sound of fast moving traffic is automatically a stressful situation for the police and adds to the tension of the on going argument. It also gives the effect that the police have a tough job which requires them to go to all sorts of different places such as a loud motorway.

Sound is used in series for many different reasons, Sound can be used to create an atmosphere, to create tension and suspicion sound can even be used to represent characters. Sound is a key role in creating a popular series because without it, the audience will struggle to get immersed in the show.

Seb Hardy

1 comment:

  1. 5
    You draw attention to two specific examples, the police radio calls and the motorway sounds. The latter isn't the best example but you make it work for you by intelligent analysis. Altogether, promising.
    To achieve higher level exam marks, note the instruction 'at least two'.
