Wednesday 29 November 2017


This Magazine features the name of the company (MOJO) featured in bold, obvious, font at the top of the magazine. The main splash of this Magazine cover is David Bowie who is placed in front of the logo so you cant miss it. Also, magazines often do this, they use part of the main splash, usually the head, to cover part of the Cover name. They do this as magazine company's such as MOJO are established and the readers know what the name of the magazine is from just 3 words that appear on the front.

The use of boxes and columns in the magazine cover are used so that the reader is attracted to the magazine when they see it in shops and also, so they can put small pieces of information in them that otherwise would have been missed. For example, 'Free CD' is in its own box in bold in the top left hand side of the magazine so that people who see it will be encouraged to buy it. In this magazine, the headline and caption stand out above all other things and tell the reader whats going to be inside the magazine and also give the readers encouraging information such as, 'untold, unseen David Bowie', this makes the reader intrigued as to what the magazine has inside.

Along the sides of the magazine cover there are other articles that are featured in the magazine. In  the sidelines, to make the articles look fun and appealing they use slang. For example, in the Liam Gallagher strap line, he says 'id do an oasis re union for a fiver'. This is not necessarily what he said but the magazine paraphrases to make for an appealing sub heading.

Seb Hardy 

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 and a half out of 5
    1. Good on brand being so recognizable that readers can identify it even with paert of title obscured
    2. No points on Bowie's outfit; stance; significance
    3. You comment on some of the content of cover lines rather than just stating that they are there.
    4. You note the plug (CD promo)
    5. Who is ''untold, unseen David Bowie' aimed at? What kind of reader?
