Wednesday 21 February 2018

Exam Q2 Cuffs

Analyse how far the extract depicts the police's point of view rather than the criminals' point of view. In your answer you should:
analyse aspects of the extract using examples to support your analysis.
judge how far these aspects depict the police's point of view

The extract depicts the policies point of view rather than the criminals' point of view through the use of screen time and the perspective of the audience. For example, in the chase seen when the police are trying to catch the criminals, the camera is always on the police men and not on the criminals. This makes the audience much more likely to support the police as we see things from their perspective and not the criminals. Also, the audience know nothing about the criminals back story or anything else, so the audience wont see things from the criminals point of view.

Also, close up shots of the police show the audience the police's emotions and the audience feel sorry for the police whereas the criminals have no screen time so the audience do not feel the same way about them. This can trigger the readers  emotions.

To conclude, the use of close ups and camera time make the audience see things from the polices point of view rather than the criminals.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 5 out of 10
    1. Good understanding shown in your first paragraph.
    2. To get more marks, be more full and detailed.
