Sunday, 24 September 2017


In the avengers lots of values from the times emerge some still influence our society today.

-The show features lots of obviously over the top comedy scenes designed as a form of escapism for a modern person. For example, the scene when the man is shrunk in his car.

-The show also shows us a glimpse of feminism, this was a time in which women were not considered equal to men. Nowadays, there are many lead female actresses, such as Jennifer Laurence but in that time there were very few. We see a female lead along side the main character in the Avengers which at the time had not been seen or even considered before hand.

-The show features an upper class selective lifestyle shown through fancy parties, clothes and obviously the hats.

-Patrick is the lead and his classic, to the time quick thinking is ideal in many situations. Emma peel is a modern woman, fighting beside Patrick driving fast cars and living expensive lifestyles.

1 comment:

  1. Grade A
    You draw attention to social, historical and cultural contexts, in particular, feminism.
