Monday, 11 December 2017

Exam Q8: Uses and Gratifications of the Lego Movie

One of the uses and gratifications of the Lego movie is personal identity. In the movie, this idea is represented through Emmit who is the main character. Throughout the movie, Emmit is shown to be a completely normal, average person who follows current trends and his most redeeming feature is his lack of redeeming features. This idea of Emmit being a normal person is hammered into the main plot of the story and expands Emmit as the ordinary person who despite all the odds becomes a hero. This is a vital part of the media aspect of the Lego movie as we, the audience, are supposed to reflect our own values with Emmit and relate to him. This is key when the idea of good versus evil later develops in the movie as the audience already relate and support Emmit and can see themselves in their own fight for good versus evil. Also, younger children can see Emmit as a role model. Emmit is just an ordinary person like you or I and so when younger children see Emmit as this figure who saves the world, they can also relate and admire him.

Another use and gratification of the Lego movie is the idea of escapism which is represented throughout the entire screening time of the film. The Lego movie is a perfect example of how media  is used in Movies and Games to draw out interest from a variety of audiences. For example, many people see the Lego as an ideal place where everything can be fixed and no one ever gets hurt, you can do whatever you want. This especially appeals to the younger generations because basically everything they know is what they can do and what they cant do. The Lego movie game is used as escapism to leave go to a place where rules do not apply and they have their won free will to do as they like.

Seb Hardy

1 comment:

  1. Mark 6 out of 8
    1. You show understanding of the uses and gratifications model and you relate the pleasures to SPECIFIC points about the Lego movie video game. You write fluently and make sense.
    2. Remember that the question says "at least two". A candidate aiming for more that a low mark will offer more examples.You could refer to the cross-promotion with the film, the relationship with the brand and its characters
    3. You should show excellent understanding of the relationship with some of the characters such as Emmet. You could refer to the superheroes
    4. Refer to pleasures of the game itself such as the quest (exploring new worlds), the use of the first-person protagonist (the gamer associates directly with the game)
    5. Refer also to childhood nostalgia for parents & the pleasures of playing with their children
